Do you have ants in your pants?

We usually use this phrase for children when they can’t sit still don’t we?

But what about you?

Can you sit still?

I mean, really sit still?

I guarantee, that when you try and sit still for just a few minutes, your mind will encourage you to move.

It will think:
– I’ve got this to do…
– I need to do…
– Oh, I’ve just remembered…
– I should be doing…

And more often that not, you go and do those things that you ‘need’ to do.

Please prove me wrong by having a go at this.

Make time to sit somewhere quiet for a chosen number of minutes. Set your phone alarm for 3, 5, 10 minutes – whatever suits you and sit. Eyes closed if you wish.

Then notice how many times you think:
– I’ve got this to do…
– I need to do…
– Oh, I’ve just remembered…
– I should be doing…

AND DON’T MOVE. Not until your time is up.

The urge to MOVE and DO is strong and powerful.  DOING and KEEPING GOING is ingrained behaviour as a parent. The mindset of ‘once that is done, then I’ll rest’.

Noticing this urge and resisting it, takes strength and persistence (qualities that we have as parents (some days more than others admittedly)).

By sitting and noticing URGES, you are empowering yourself to become self-aware of your desire to keep going – when what you could be doing is enjoying that moment and learning how to pause.

If you have a child or children at home that find it hard to sit still and relax (without the telly or a tablet for distraction), then this practise will be great for them to witness and perhaps join in with when they are curious enough to do so.

I challenge you to sit still a few times this week (everyday if you can). Not for long but long enough to notice those urges. Trust me, you’ll feel better for it. It’s the path to feeling happier and less stressed.

Jo x

P.S. Notice the urge to do a relaxing activity instead of simply sitting. Reading a book, taking a bath. Just sit.

Let me know how you get on, I’d love to hear your experiences.

Jo x

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